3D Art Class: Intro to 3D
These videos can be watched online only.
The 3D Art Class's Intro to 3D is an introduction into the world of 3D graphics. The first installment of a larger series, this 10 lesson set of quick primer videos will take you through the entire process of creating a simple brick wall, as shown in the image above.
In Intro to 3D, you will be introduced to the basics of making your own 3D graphics and the basics of the free program Blender. You'll learn the basics of how to:
Create 3D shapes
Create materials
Create 3D lighting
...and more!
You must have Blender to use these videos. You must also have basic computer skills. You can download Blender at: http://www.blender.org/
Lesson titles:
- Lesson 1: Blender interface basics
- Lesson 2: Navigation
- Lesson 3: Selecting Objects
- Lesson 4: Object transformation
- Lesson 5: A simple scene, part I
- Lesson 6: A simple scene, part II
- Lesson 7: Saving files
- Lesson 8: Creating a brick wall, part I
- Lesson 9: Creating a brick wall, part II
- Lesson 10: Creating a brick wall, part III
This product may or may not receive updates, as decided by the author.
You'll get access to 10 video lessons to watch online.